Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So Luke won his first court hearing yesterday. Insurance had denied coverage of his percussion vest, which is used to prevent and help him recover from respiratory illnesses that could lead to pneumonia. We had to go to OKC before a judge and testify our case of why Luke really needs it. We brought Luke of course because we knew his cuteness would help us win. Jeremy did an awesome job explaining why the vest is necessary for Luke and how it can prevent hospitalizations.  Luke sat in between us and kept smiling at the attorney of the insurance company. Once the tape was turned off that was recording the hearing the attorney said to the judge, give them the vest! So we thank God for giving us favor and for Luke's precious smile and spirit.

Here's Luke doing his strong arms pose. Thats his g-tube on his tummy.

Luke hanging out with Whiskers.

 We have a very sweet cat.



  1. Yes I love it!!! Favor!! And love it that you took Luke!

  2. Yay! So glad you won the hearing. Praying for more of God's blessings for you guys. How could they resist those smiley eyes?
    And... Whiskers is a saint!

  3. Aw, that's a good story. I'm so glad you're keeping this blog.
