Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Luke's recovery has gone great! Thanks for your prayers! He had his follow up appointment with the surgeon and can now get back in the bath tub and his tube is working great. 

Some really wonderful people surprised us with a new camera so I've got lots of pictures to post. We are so grateful!!  Pardon the duplicates...

My monkey.

Boo Ha Ha Parade

Cutest cat ever.

Luke got a new brace this week for trunk support to help with sitting and keeping his spine straight.

Livi and Whiskers

Trick or treating!

We had a fun Halloween but I've also been really worn out lately. Luke's an early riser and the days get a little long when they start at 5 am. Its also been discouraging that recently several SMA kids have passed away and so many are in hospitals for respiratory problems. We are thankful Luke has stayed so healthy.

Its been a year now since Luke was diagnosed and its definitely become easier to talk about everything. But some days its just hits me all over again and I really have to fight to keep trusting that God is in control. At the same time God has provided for us and touched our lives deeply because of Luke. Life can be really short for some and we don't take it for granted. I need Jesus more than ever before and that has made me cling to his Word and trust it.

 Its crazy how much life has changed in just a year and all the people we have met because of Luke. So many families are going through the same challenges as us. Some are grieving the loss of their child, others like us are fighting to keep their child healthy and strong.

My devotional the other day said: He delights in nothing more than our choice to believe Him over what we see and feel. That's what I have to do alot of the time. Believe Him when I feel like this isn't fair and believe Him when I see my child getting weaker even though he should be getting stronger.

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed you all at Boohaha, I was a parade monitor and walked the streets. Luke is an adorable little monkey.

    Hang in there, it does get easier to talk about as we accept our child's diagnose but we still have the grieving cycle which I think is what helps us accept this in life. I remember when I went to enroll Jeremy in Kindergarden, this little girl came up and her mom said, "tell the teacher your name/address" and I look at J sitting in the stroller, non-verbal, not walking and I cried all the way home.
