Saturday, August 11, 2012

SMA Candle Lighting

Tonight at sunset all SMA families and friends will be lighting a candle to remember the SMA angels that are no longer with us and all SMA warriors that are battling SMA right now. Say a prayer and light a candle for us tonight that a cure is found. Pray for the families who have lost their babies and for those of us that are daily living with the challenges of SMA.

We received Luke's fancy xpanda chair this week. Its taken months to be approved through insurance so we are really excited to finally have it. The xpanda is a chair we will use at home to keep Luke really supported since he can't sit on his own. SMA causes scoliosis so we need to be mindful of his posture most of the time. It has a hydraulic base so it can be low to the floor or up at the table. It has a big tray for toys and eating.

Livi trying to make Luke laugh


  1. Hooray for the chair's arrival!

  2. Love reading your blog. Praying for your family. My kids and I participated in SMA Awareness Day today -thanks for sharing! God Bless, Keri

  3. Awesome! Landon also has the same x:panda seating system in and we love it. So glad you have great things to help Luke!

  4. Candle lit? Check. Abounding in prayer? Check. We have so much love for Luke & each and every one of you guys:)
