Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pools, Pals, and God's Provision

We have been getting in the pool lots lately. What else is there to do! When its not 100 degrees Luke loves going for long stroller rides. Its going to be a long summer without those. Coming up with stuff to do with Luke inside is tough. I tried taking Livi and Luke to the aquarium by myself and it was just too much for me without help. Livi is a good helper but she's only 4, very strong willed and needs lots of discipline. Luke needs me to do almost everything for him. Its not easy taking them places. Not much in life seems easy lately. Sometimes I dwell on that too much. I start to think when we get a bigger house or a van or Luke's powerchair things will get easier, but what about right now? This season is challenging. But I know God is really giving us blessings through it. Learning to wait. To be content. Knowing so much is out of our hands and in God's. Be still and know that I am God. When I'm rocking Luke at the end of the day I think about that scripture. It gives me alot of peace to sit and cuddle Luke and hear God reminding me to just calm down and thank him for the day even if it was a hard day. Listening to Him tell me again that he is in control. Feeling that rest and peace that only Jesus can give.
God has provided so much for us already. We have great medical equipment that is necessary for Luke. Now we have connections with other families from the conference. Two women from our church come over one day every week to watch Luke and give me a break. We have friends and family that would do anything for us. So much to be thankful for.

Hanging out with Whiskers, the sweetest cat ever

Drinking a green smoothie of kale, frozen mangoes, banana, and apple juice. 

Luke and his buddy Liam

Livi and Lexi on 4th of July
Jeremy brought me flowers after a long day. Love them!

We surprised Livi with her first bike


  1. You are an amazing mother, Laura. I'm sorry I haven't been more in touch lately, but I'm thinking about you and the crew a lot. Wow--Luke has grown! Look at the adorable blonde hair! Love to you.

  2. I thought your cat's name was "Thomas"? :)
