Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We spent the past week in this hospital room. Luke had a tough week with pneumonia. This was the sickest he's ever been. He was having such a hard time breathing he started using a bipap machine. It helps moves the air in and out so he doesn't have to work so hard to breathe. Its only needed when he sleeps. Most kids with SMA eventually need bipap while sleeping and some wear it all the time. We thought it would be further down the road for Luke so we were kind of upset. We were concerned how he would react to the mask on his face, but he tolerated it alot better than we expected.

I remember seeing kids at the SMA conference wearing the bipap and I thought it was sad, but now its just a new machine to go along with our other ones. Its actually not such a big deal and its really going to help him. God gives us grace to learn and manage more than we ever thought we could.

Livi picked out the shark for Luke

Livi is doing awesome at kindergarten! She's at a Spanish immersion school and after 2 weeks she already knows lots more Spanish than both of her parents!

It was hard for me the first few days dropping her off, but I'm so proud of her and its so fun to watch her 

Luke also had a first day of school! We found a great church that has staff that can care for special needs kids. I was very nervous but he had great time and all the kids loved him! Unfortunately he got sick after only two days. We knew he would get sick some, but this hospital stay has shown us how hard it can be on him to get through a virus. We are praying for wisdom about keeping him in school or staying home. 

Thanks for all the prayers this past week. We wouldn't be able to manage without so much support!

Having fun earlier this summer at the Muskogee Water Park

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