Saturday, July 6, 2013

House, hospital, and humble heart

We are finally settled! I know its been a really long time since my last post. We've had tons going on and just recently we got a working computer. Lots has changed! We moved into our new house and love it! Just about a week ago we got our new wheelchair accessible van! Thanks so much to those of you that donated! I can't thank everyone enough. It has changed our lives. Luke asks to take rides in the car all the time now! 

Also we have a new family member, Zoey.

Livi lost two teeth!

And Livi graduated from Pre-K!

We had a wonderful visit with Grandma Marge, Grandma, and Papa from PA.

Enjoying the deck at our new house!

Lukie was sick the beginning of June and had to be hospitalized for 2 nights to get some oxygen. It was a really emotional time for us seeing him struggle so much to cough and get through a virus that turned into pneumonia. He really hasn't been sick before so we didn't know how tough it would be. But he fought hard and God brought him through it!

Luke got an iPad and loves it! It took him no time at all to learn to use it and now he is able to play games and all sorts of fun stuff on his own. 

Livi's room with her chalkboard masterpiece

The princess and the frog.

Insurance has denied Luke's power chair request. This just means we will have to appeal and give more reasons why its necessary and beneficial for him. Its frustrating and tiring having to go through the appeal process and wait on something that would benefit him so much now. But, we are feeling the blessing and gratefulness of waiting on God to provide and He has done even more than we hoped for! Our house and van have made life so much more comfortable and accessible for us. Blessings to all who gave and prayed for us!