Love this pic of my sweet pumpkin! I can't believe how big he's getting. I love his smile and his voice and how he tells us stories we can't understand. Its hard to stand sometimes how SMA has taken so much from what he can do physically. He fights to do the littlest things. He was so proud of himself the other day for using a fork for the first time and getting food into his mouth. Thats alot of work for him but he doesn't give up. We aren't going to give up either on fighting for him and helping him to do all he can. He teaches us so much by how hard he works.
We have decided to get Luke's feeding tube placed. Its a tube that goes directly into his stomach. There will be a little button on his belly that we can use to feed him when needed. He's still going to eat by mouth, but the tube will be there for when he refuses to eat or gets sick and is too tired to eat. If he doesn't get good nutrition then he will get weaker. Luke's really healthy right now and we want to get the tube placed now so that recovery is easier. If we wait and he gets sick it will be much riskier. So many SMA families have told us what a blessing the tube is. We don't want to do this of course, but have peace that its the right decision. So be praying for Luke's surgery on Oct. 19th.
We just had a wonderful week with Jeremy's mom, dad, and brother visiting from Pennsylvania. Livi and Luke loved spending time with them. Livi especially loves her Papa and spent every minute talking his ear off and playing with him.
Jeremy's parents are such a blessing to us and are prayer warriors for Luke. We couldn't get by without both of our families helping us with deal with how our lives have changed with our precious boy.
A couple more pics from Anna's wedding.
A few more pumpkin patch pics.
He's telling a story here.